This is The 116... a podcast about living life higher, wider, closer, and deeper. Join host Greg Fish as we explore life issues that truly make a difference in the world around us. This podcast is a production of Peoria (IL) First United Methodist Church. A Corbincast Network Podcast.
Friday Nov 12, 2021
The Blue Holiday Special
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Are you facing a blue Christmas? Has some form of grief left you wondering how you will navigate the upcoming holidays? FUMC Director of Congregational Care, Kirsten Tharpe, joins us today to tackle the tough topic of how we can survive special days when someone special is missing. You'll find hope and encouragement, wrapped up in a realistic approach, as you listen to this special edition of The 116. Join us for the conversation at www.peoria1.com
Monday Nov 08, 2021
The Funcast: Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
We swim in an ocean of serious, life-changing topics on the 116. But sometimes, you just gotta laugh. So, we invited Pastor Tim Ozment and Dan Philips into the studio for a conversation about behind-the-scenes stories from years of ministry work that now bring smiles to our faces. You'll hear potluck horror-stories, things we were taught that turned out not to be true, and we'll even share stories of our most unforgettable people. It's what we call the Funcast. We hope it brings a smile to your day. Join us for the conversation at www.peoria1.com.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Special People Meeting Special Needs
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Should we toss special needs people to the side? Is there any hope for the developmentally challenged? Duane and Diane Lewis are our guests today, and they've founded a project that empowers those with special needs to maximize their manufacturing and management skills. The Lewises are truly special people, full of love, and innovative to the core. You'll want to come along for this powerful interview that challenges our ideas about those with special needs. The 116 is hosted by Greg Fish. Find out more about The 116 at www.peoria1.com.
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Rodney‘s Restaurant Recommendations
Monday Sep 27, 2021
Monday Sep 27, 2021
A change of pace on this new episode of the 116. We're always hungry for new ways to build relationships, and taking someone out to dine is a wonderful way to entertain and connect. FUMC's own restaurant expert, Rodney Nelson, is with us to recommend some of his favorite Peoria, IL area dining experiences... places you may not have experienced yet. So settle in for a fun podcast with great ideas, and share with us your ideas for how to build relationships with people as we minister love to our community. Join us for the conversation at peoria1.com.
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Latino 101: Learning To Love Across All Borders
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Friday Sep 17, 2021
Is it possible to bring the Anglo and Latino church together as one? How do we Anglos better understand our Latino friends? What's it like to be Mexican in America these days? We'll explore all these fascinating questions with Pastor Adrian Garcia, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries at FUMC. You'll find this to be a powerful conversation that could help bridge the cultural gaps so that we can find ourselves united as the body of Christ. Join us for the conversation at peoria1.com.
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Technology & Worship with Pearl Technology
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
The pandemic has served to accelerate the church's realization that new technology can help us do the work of ministry. But how do we demystify technology? Is technology an enemy or friend? What is new or upcoming that might help us do the work of the church? We'll answer your questions, and even some complaints, as we explore how technology has always helped to amplify the work of spreading Good News. Guests Jeremy Caldera and Jim Casey from Pearl Technology (pearltechnology.com) join host Greg Fish for this electric edition of The 116.
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Greg Batton Returns: What's Up In Peoria?
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
WMBD Morning Host Greg Batton returns to our friendly confines to talk about the things you need to know about our community. Greg has his thumb on the pulse of Peoria, and he's here to help us understand this place where we work a bit better. He might also try to come up with a new name for our studio. Any suggestions? The 116 is hosted by Greg Fish, and you can join us for the conversation at www.peoria1.com.
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Helping Others: Loaves & Fish with Dan Philips
Friday Aug 13, 2021
Friday Aug 13, 2021
How do we help others in need? This pandemic has presented unique challenges to feeding and assisting those with broken life stories. But the Gospel of Jesus beckons us to serve those in need. So, in this episode, we speak to FUMC Director of Community Missions and Ministries, Dan Philips, about how we are moving forward with helping our less fortunate neighbors, and what you can do to serve the needs around you. It's a challenging, through provoking episode you won't want to miss.
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Back To School
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Local high school principal Jeremy Garrett joins us to talk all things back-to-school related. Find out what you need to know about sending your kids back to school. What does going back to school look like in a post-pandemic environment? What do parents need to know when sending a child to school for the first time? How can both students and parents be prepared for the school experience in 2021?
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Thriving In A Post-Pandemic World
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
How do we move forward? Is there hope? How do we live in the new normal? Pastor Tim Ozment of First United Methodist Church in Peoria joins host Greg Fish for an inspiring conversation about moving forward as we emerge from a global crisis. See the video broadcast version at https://youtu.be/ellMKqB_YEg.